Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT)

Clinical Lab Technology is a veritable association among specialist and persistent and appropriately bears a huge commitment of any clinical administrations gathering. It is a science which appreciates a huge illustrative importance. Complete and qualified data on this science is crucial for right assurance of afflictions which constantly occur in people at various stages every through hey/her life.

The above course hopes to convey experts with advance data in the field of Medical Lab Technology who will do routine appraisals of essential hypochondriac model like routine evaluation of stool, pee and other practical pieces of physiology like Haematolog, Serology. Bio - science and Histopathology, etc Other than the assessment of ailments, it has a pivotal errand to do in the advancement of food science and water examination too which are two critical constituents of life food. The meaning of getting unadulterated water and food and the development used to show the health of food and water for use is fundamental to the help of a sound prosperity in each and every person.